
The College aims to meet the requirements of the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration in the breadth of the learning experiences offered to students, specifically, to:

“promote equity and excellence” and for students to become “successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens.”

Our students will follow the Australian Curriculum and our teaching and learning programs will be adjusted to meet the needs of our unique students, for example, content may be thoughtfully reduced or altered to take account of areas of special interest.

In this, we aim to: develop each student’s ability and skill in a wide range of traditional and contemporary subjects and disciplines;

  • assist all students to achieve their maximum potential in all areas of the curriculum, but with special emphasis on literacy and numeracy for all students;
  • cater for individual differences and sensory needs,
  • provide equal opportunity for participation and success for all students, providing appropriate pathways and programs which foster enterprise skills, with a view to allowing flexibility and adaptability in the future;
  • foster the values of perseverance, resilience and independence;
  • develop in students the capacity and skills to use technology creatively, effectively and confidently;
  • develop in students the capacity and skills for creative and effective problem-solving and analysis;
  • foster a sense of stewardship for themselves, others and the environment.
Prep - 3
Year 4 - 6
Year 7 - 10
Year 11 - 12

Prep - 3

In the Early Years at Josiah College, we provide a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for children with autism. Our school has a dedicated space tailored to meet the needs of our young students. The environment is designed to foster growth, provide essential support, and create a sense of belonging for every child.

At our school, we understand that early intervention is crucial for children with autism. Our teachers specialise in supporting our young learners employing strategies to promote their social, emotional, and cognitive development. We create a structured and predictable routine that fosters a sense of security and stability, enabling our students to thrive.

The Josiah program is aligned with the Australian Curriculum. We adapt and modify the curriculum to suit the learning styles and needs of our students. Our focus is on communication, social interaction, and self-regulation skills while fostering academic growth. We utilise visual aids, sensory integration techniques, and individualised learning plans to ensure each child’s progress and engagement.

Our classrooms are designed to accommodate the sensory needs of our students. We provide sensory spaces that minimise distractions and promote a calm and comfortable learning environment.

Collaboration and partnership with families are central to our approach. We work closely with families to create individualised education plans and provide ongoing support.

In the Early Years at Josiah College, we strive to create a positive and inclusive environment where every child can reach their full potential. We believe in celebrating each child’s unique strengths and abilities while providing them with the skills they need to succeed academically and socially.

Year 4 - 6

The Middle Years program at Josiah College aims to foster the growth and development of students as learners. Building on the early intervention in Prep to Year 3, students in Years 4 to 6 demonstrate increased maturity and independence, engaging with the Australian curriculum.

Similar to the Early Years, Middle Years students are supported by a dedicated Teacher and Educational Assistant in purpose-built classrooms designed to accommodate their sensory needs. Academic units are thoughtfully planned to integrate key components of the curriculum, providing students with diverse learning experiences that allow for flexibility in demonstrating acquired skills and understanding of the content.

Close communication between teachers and parents ensures a strong relationship between the school and home, collectively striving for the best possible social, emotional, and academic outcomes for each individual child.

Middle Years students at Josiah College have the opportunity to engage in project-based learning, where they participate in educational experiences tailored to their interests. Additionally, they have access to a variety of extra-curricular activities, including music tuition, co-curricular dance, drama, and other programs offered on the Emmanuel College campus. Students in Years 4 to 6 also benefit from excursions to the wider Emmanuel College campus, visiting the Library on a weekly basis and participating in activities such as the National Science Week and student mentoring at certain points in the year.

Year 7 - 10

The transition into High School is well supported with an integration program towards the end of Year 6, whereby students learn about the differences to a high school timetable, experience high school classrooms and socialise in the high school playground with Year 7 mentors. Our unique high school structure allows for students to remain in one classroom and teachers move rooms for different subjects, which makes a high school timetable less daunting. Students will also have a minimum number of teacher transitions, reducing the number of different teachers in a day.

All Josiah students access the Australian Curriculum through the subjects of English, Math, Science, Humanities, Technologies, The Arts, Health and Physical Education. The Josiah Compass is an integral part of our school ethos, all students study Christian Living, attend Chapel and are a part of daily prayer and devotion. Students at Josiah have the benefit of a specialised setting where their sensory needs are understood and met. They also benefit from small class sizes, a teacher and educational assistant in every class, differentiated instruction and modified assessment, where required. Students are expected to access the curriculum and output their learning independently, they are offered support when required academically and emotionally.

Social emotional learning is embedded in all our learning experiences and explicitly taught through our Life Skills lessons. Students learn about interoception and how their body clues can indicate their triggers. Students learn how to utilise strategies to self-regulate and return to learning. Quiet rooms are in each classroom setting, break out spaces outside the classroom with swings and other sensory tools, allow students the space to learn to self-regulate and re-set. Josiah utilises circle time and check-in circles to continually be pro active around emotions, triggers, sensory issues and explicit discussion around advocating for neurodiversity.

The Senior School years allow for opportunities to access experiences outside the school grounds. Our students enjoy a peer mentoring program with their Emmanuel College peers. A small group of Emmanuel students will meet once a week with their Josiah peer mentors and build friendships through games and social interaction. This program has a positive impact on Josiah students interacting with mainstream students in an authentic manner and it also serves to raise autism awareness.

Due to our close affiliation with Emmanuel College, our senior students access resources such as Science labs, Food Tech kitchen, STEM labs, the Chapel, Performing Arts and the gym for personal training, on the Emmanuel campus. The students access these resources with their Josiah teacher and classmates.

Josiah senior students also have the experience of attending school camp once a year and a number of excursions throughout the school year. Some of our students had the privilege of learning to sail recently, others experienced the challenge of a high ropes course, whilst the older students navigated themselves around the Gold Coast on public transport.

All Year 10 senior students will complete a Senior Education and Training (SET) plan in consultation with teachers, parents and carers. This planning looks at pathways options for Years 11 & 12 and students have agency around their choice of vocational learning. Some Year 10 students may attend Trade Taster days at Trade College days to experience a variety of pathways available in the senior years. By the end of Year 10 students are ready to transition into the Senior building on campus where they will undertake a vocational pathways program leading to a QCE qualification. The brand new contemporary Senior building at Josiah, will offer learning spaces for collaborative and individual learning, a Science Laboratory, a Food Technology kitchen, a living skills station, and a senior common room with kitchen.

Year 11 - 12

At Josiah College, we strive to provide the opportunity for social, educational and vocational pathways for students in their senior years. The learning for these students will be delivered primarily in a specialist setting on campus, with the opportunity to access the community and vocational training centres.

The Senior School staff will work continuously with students to guide their own learning journeys as they move towards opportunities once they graduate. The staff will offer transition support for families and each student will be case managed for a successful transition post school. Our senior curriculum is structured so that students can work towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). Our students will complete the requirements in numeracy and literacy and complete three core applied senior subjects endorsed through the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). Additionally, students will attain Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses under the Australian Qualifications framework to accrue a minimum of 20 credits towards their QCE. There may also be an opportunity for students to complete an additional elective VET course of their interest. Students will also participate in work experience and or volunteering.

QCAA Subjects offered:

  • Numeracy Short Course or Essential English (applied course)
  • Literacy Short Course or Essential Maths (applied course)
  • Career Education Short Course
  • Social and Community Studies (applied course)
  • Science in Practice (applied course)
  • Information and Communication Technology (applied course)
  • Active Volunteering (Certificate II VET)
  • Additional VET courses may also be undertaken by students, where applicable.

Due to the specialist setting and the small number of students in each year level at Josiah, the only elective options for subjects will be in the VET courses. All Year 11 and 12 students will study the above subjects as a cohort and with a minimum number of teacher changes. The high teacher-to-student ratio provides students with ongoing support during the senior years. The vocational program and associated work experience, lays the foundations for students to progress into post school options within a supported environment.