Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply to attend Josiah College?

A child who has an autism diagnosis and can access the Australian Curriculum independently in a classroom with a minimal level of support.

What year levels are offered at the College? 

In the Junior School Year 1-Year 6 and in the Senior School Years 7-10 and Year 11 in 2024 and Year 12 in 2025

What are your class sizes? 

Class size will vary, but will not exceed 10 students in a grade level. Every class has a teacher and a full-time educational assistant.

Do Josiah students complete a QCE at year 12? 

Yes, it is the intention that all students will graduate with a QCE. Years 11&12 will offer both applied and vocational courses and students will be given the opportunity to explore vocational opportunities.

What level of support will my child receive at Josiah? 

Students benefit from small class sizes with a teacher and an educational assistant in each class. All students access the Australian curriculum with tasks and assessments modified and supported where needed. Students work independently in a classroom and should be able to work without one- to one support for every task.

How is Josiah different to other schools? 

Every student at Josiah has an autism diagnosis and every staff member understands that students have individual needs that are met in a variety of different ways. Traditional sensory triggers are removed from our environment, with autism friendly classroom design, minimal transitions between rooms and teachers, breakout spaces, flexible timetables and opportunity for student to self-regulate so they can focus on learning.

What is Josiah’s connection to Emmanuel College? 

Emmanuel College is our sister school but we are two separate Colleges. Josiah and Emmanuel have the one Principal but separate Heads of College. Josiah students have opportunities to interact through a variety of peer mentoring programs. Josiah students utilise some of the facilities at Emmanuel such as the library, Chapel, swimming pool, oval and some specialist classrooms, as well as private music lessons and choirs. Emmanuel and Josiah teachers work collaboratively in planning and moderating and gather together each week as a cohesive group.

Do we have therapists on staff? 

No, we are not therapy providers, we are an educational setting. Our students access private therapists however, we do have quiet spaces that can be booked for private therapy sessions before and after school.